Monday, April 28, 2008

Breaking News!

Ok, it has come to my attention that there are those people out there who don't know that the video on the left column is a parody.


See, here's the thing. I saw this: and decided to have a little fun. Alas, sometimes, I'm the only one who gets my jokes. I'm not sure who would take me that seriously, but I guess some do. That scares me. So, for the record: It's a joke. MyUnwifes cats do not control her money, she doesn't have a secretary named Daphne, and she didn't take my speakerphone. She did leave a can of pepper spray though...Ok, that's another joke--no pepper spray.

Ok, I'll be back with today's regularly scheduled post, already in writing progress.

Kitty graves, bottles of Jack, and inflatable sheep, how could that be considered real..?