So what did you do on Easter? I cleaned the house. Drank some wine. Ate some dinner. I gotta tell you, cleaning was almost fun. I didn't get around to cleaning my office though. It's a religious holiday; I didn't want the guilt of having that much fun.
You'll have to forgive me today. My head is still in Easter. I try typing sentences, but only words are coming out. My brain is like a clothes dryer on fluff with the door open. I just don't know what's going to fall out next. It's probably something about yesterday. Yesterday was Easter, right? Cool.
A friend of mine called. Her kids are playing in the snow, so she decided to call.
"Oh, sorry about the snow. I'm sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt. All the doors and windows are open. Cool breeze, good temp. Really nice here."
"I don't really want to know what you're wearing Rob."
"Aww, c'mon. It's a sexy black cotton thing say's Anaheim Ducks on it."
"Yeah, you want to talk dirty to my husband for a bit? Wait, isn't that the same shirt we bought you 15 years ago?"
"Yeah, so?"
"You need to get out more."
"Did I mention it's 80 degrees outside here?"
"Kiss my ass."
"Awww, now you're just talking dirty."
Yeah, she and I are like brother and sister. I think that's why it's so cool that she called. It's good to hear from family on the holidays. Sometimes it's easy to feel alone. Family knows how to keep you from slipping over the edge.
Yesterday was Easter. It wasn't an edge day, but I was still glad to hear from her. She's married with kids. I can live out my married fantasies through her. Sometimes I feel guilty. I wish I could reciprocate.
"You go out and get into some trouble, Rob."
"I’m going to watch a high school choir concert this week."
"Not that kind of trouble."
"No, I know what you mean, but I think I've forgotten how. I was married, remember?"
"Well do something. I have to live through you now."
"Oh, that's kinda sad."
"I know so get out there!"
"What, you want pictures?"
"Ok, but you have to send me some family Easter egg hunt pictures."
"You're hopeless."
"You too."
That's how it goes. We all hunt for eggs we haven't got. Today my eggs are scrambled thoughts. I'm trying to collect them, but they're just phlegmy goop oozing through my fingers. Yesterday, we talked for a bit, then she went back to her family and I made dinner. No chickens or eggs hurt in that meal. I think a cow took a bullet though. I made lasagna and a salad. My mom gave me the recipe. She used to make it on special occasions, and well, Easter is special. I even opened up a bottle of wine. I mentioned the wine right? I know I drank it.
It was a great relaxing day. And today I'm back to work. That's fine. My mind's not in it; I'm a little wine-groggy. Apparently you can re-cork those bottles. Last night I had no idea. So today I'm having brain lint issues. Fluff in my head gets in the way and pre-typed words are clogged in the lint trap.
I tried talking with another friend to jostle things loose. She had an interesting suggestion:
"How about a wank in the park?"
I stared at the chat screen for a moment. I reread it twice. It seemed a little drastic. I suppose it would get my head in a different place though.
"I don't think they'll let me do that."
"Walk! Walk! Sorry, I'm rearranging my library."
I guess she'd lost her "l" I don't even want to know what that means for her library.
My married friends are always full of interesting advice. Maybe that's today's problem. Today I'm single, and I'm approaching it like it was yesterday. They really need to offer classes on this stuff. It's not like riding a bike. It's more like falling off and finding somebody has stolen your bike, and left you with a set of roller skates.
Still, I'm an adapter. Today I have wine and leftover lasagna. Tomorrow, who knows? Maybe I'll learn to skate.
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