Thursday, November 22, 2007

Winding Down

MMMM, Thanksgiving...

So that was my Thanksgiving. Oh not as cool or volitile as the ones you see on TV. Probably not as cool or volitile as the ones I had while I was married. Still, the food was good, and the company was intelegent. What more can you ask for? Sure, I would have loved to share it with someone, but that wasn't this Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving was about remembering Rob.

I called all my family. They're a wealth of divorce wisdom. Each one had their own take on what I should do in regards to MyUnwife. I don't agree with all of them, but I accept that everything they offer, they offer in love. My parents may not have been able to love each other, but I know that they love me. If you're a divorcing parent, remember to pass that on to your children.

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, filling, and safe.

My Meal.