I'm attending two Bible studies. Does that make me a better Christian? I sure hope so, because I'm not seeing any single girls in either of these groups. It better be doing something for me, cuz reaching for the snack tray ain't working for my abs at all.
Feel the burn! Oh, that's just Rob leaning over the burning bush...
Yeah, that rumble you hear in the distance. That's the readying lightning bolts. God's arsenal is focused on my house, and I'm all but smitten.
Actually I think God's got a great sense of humor. If we were created in his image, It's obvious George Clooney got the looks, I think maybe he had to look in the back of his desk for something to give me. I'm thinking humor, that sounds good. That's gotta be what I got.
I see the humor in the story of Adam and Eve. That's really good stuff. I like where God asks Adam about his new leaf fashion sense. Adam looks around and says, "She did it!" pointing to Eve who's still busy making him another three leaf suit.
I really would have loved to see Eve's face. In that instance, we were so close to the first divorce. Probably the first ass-whooping too. Still, she bit her lip, and forgave him--or somewhat forgave him. When she gave birth to Cain she said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man." Translation: "Adam had nothing to do with this, he just lied there."
Adam and Eve took the blessings and the curses from God and handed them down. Somehow I was blessed me with the ability to see the humor in his creation. Even the Bible. Tuesday I laughed at something else in Bible study. This brought about a mass throat clearing and disapproving leers. What can I say, the verse read funny.
Our leader is this 80 year old guy who has spent every day studying the Word. If you look at him and then his Bible, you'd swear he was carrying around The Scriptures of Dorian Grey. He looks maybe 60, but his Bible looks like it was pressed by Gutenberg, and used by 3 year olds ever since. It's tattered, it's highlighted it's practically a work of art in itself. So is Don, the books owner. Don was the only one in the room who understood why I laughed.
We'd just started reading Galatians. The second chapter, third verse reads:
Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.
I'm sorry, if you can put yourself in that moment, that's funny--Unless your name is Titus.
"So after dinner we're having a circumcision party, you're invited, Titus."
"Yeah, no, I'm not feeling compelled."
See, in the early church, they still held true to the old Jewish customs. Jewish law called for all men to be circumcised, no matter how old.
Now as a kid, it sucks. I was a kid when I was circumcised. I don't remember it any more than I remember the Doctor spanking my butt and handing me to Mom. I do remember tripping over a barbed wire fence when I was 4. I still have that scar too. It left a bigger impression.
I also remember 11 years ago when a doctor told my friend he needed circumcision for medical reasons. My friend was 29. He cried like a baby too. At least that's what he told us when he finally waddled out to play. After the dark process, he spent a week with a bucket of ice clamped between his legs. And no, it wasn't a bottle of wine that protruded from the ice. The whine was all him--at least that's what he said when he could speak again. We actually didn't go in to check his bucket. We just took his word for it.
The point is, circumcision for an adult is quite memorable. In Titus's day, it was probably a little more common (considering the early church), but still memorable. They probably didn't have as much ice sitting around at the time either, considering the early Roman technologies. Nero built the first convection oven. The ice box was still a few years off.
So there's Titus, hanging out with the great Paul. Paul's an ex Jew; he's been circumcised. They're visiting all the original apostles. They're all circumcised. Here's Titus, a Greek, and there's an extra tuck of flesh separating him and everybody else.
"Titus, you're not one of us."
"Yes I am."
"You need to be circumcised."
"Yeah, I'll just have some bread and wine if it's all the same to you."
We've all dealt with peer pressure, but Titus is all alone. He's backing around the room, making sure everybody with a table knife is a forearm's lengths from his foreskin.
It's the stuff of comic legend. Or if played out wrong, it's a bad Benny Hill skit. It's all in the interpretation.
Speaking of interpretation, Don informed me that my interpretation was a little skewed, or as he put it, "wrong." He repeated the verse:
Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.
"It's saying that the apostles did not ask him become circumcised, as people of the day expected them to, even though he was Greek. Not that Titus wasn't in the mood, so he politely declined." I may have been blessed with a comic sense, but I've been cursed with the ability to misinterpret. MyEx knows that. I'm sure she has my complete curse list dedicated to memory, including a few she's added herself.
"I hope you marry somebody just like you."
Yeah, that ties back to the curse placed on my by my mother about my first born male child. So far I don't have one, so Mom's curse isn't sticking. To the best of my knowledge, neither are MyEx's, I'm sure they will: her blessing is persistence.
Where's the humor in that? Of course the answer is that there isn't any. There wasn't any humor in the Titus thing either. I'd just misinterpreted it. We're all good at that. I think even Adam and Eve were prone to it, and we've been handing it down ever since.
That's one of the things that makes relationships so difficult. We're constantly adding our own spin, like a warped record.
Still, God is patient, and forgiving. Even when we aren't. He's even patient with me, even now. That sound you hear, is God patiently playing out my just reward, just as Paul Simon sang while he hung out with that Art guy, "It's just the sound of smiting." Or something like that. I'm still busy misinterpreting.
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