I am finding time to enjoy the finer things, and Natalie Imbruglia. She was in the news today. Natalie seemed to be enjoying the baser things. Her headline read: "IMBRUGLIA: 'DIVORCE WILL HELP MY MUSIC.'" Yeah, if you're not hip on these things, she married the lead singer for Silverchair. If you didn't get the gist of the headline: she won't be married much longer. I suppose her analysis could be true. My divorce helped my writing. I think the key for me was that I could write before I divorced; I just needed subject matter. I worry about Natalie. At least she has a subject.
I guess that is a start.
What? I'm not being mean. Name 2 songs sung by Ms. Imbruglia, or 1 song written by her. Her biggest hit, Torn, was by another band, Ednaswap (whose version is 100 times better BTW). Natalie spent that summer vacation wisely. This summer she's getting a divorce. Quite the imbroglio. Me? I'm not nearly as exciting. I’m reading about her. I think that puts me lower than Kato Kaelin on life's food chain.
"What was Rob's highlight?"
"He read about Natalie Imbruglia. Oh, and he watched Dr. Who."
Sigh, "He showed so much promise too…"
Yeah, things rarely turn out as we plan. Ask Natalie. She's not torn. She knows what she's doing. I envy that. I mean I've got the small stuff down. Today, I'm going to BevMo. I'm getting some birthday beer and wine. Maybe they'll give it to me free now that I've mentioned them on my blog. Quick, both you readers, tell BevMo I sent you! Yeah, I'm not holding my breath. Although holding my breath would be a cheaper high than BevMo…
"Look the world is swirling!'
Somebody suggested I get some. "Buy wine, you lush." Ok, her words stopped after "buy wine." The lush thing, well that's just me interpreting other's thoughts. I do that for everyone, but lets go back to the woman suggesting the wine. She's the one who suggested the New Years Chicken and Champagne party. From what I remember of that one, it seemed all foggy and warm. That's a good feeling for birthdays, right? How can I argue?
My biggest fan.

See? Maybe that's where I've got Natalie beat. She's depending on her divorce experiences to make her better. I rely on the comfort of strangers--and friends. Any help I give myself is purely incidental.
That hasn't changed from marriage to divorce. It's always been about the other people. The people who care enough to say, "hey! Try this." That's what makes me better. A friend told me today, "Your goodness is quite evident. " I don't know about that. Maybe, but if so, that's only the other people showing through.
It's not my goodness anyway. If I have it, it's a gift. It's God's. It's a birthday present I open and go "Wow! How cool! Everybody, come get some." It's gone before I see it. I don't notice it. That's the best part. A gift that won't get old and collect dust.
I do like that somebody thought I was good. That's the perfect birthday gift: not too showy and it's something I can grow into.
Natalie Imbruglia? She'll grow into divorce. If it's all she aspires to, maybe she'll grow into a musician. She already had one, but maybe she wants to be self contained. I could make a joke about MyUnwife here, but somebody said my goodness was evident. I don't want to ruin the gift before I open it.
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