Friday, May 16, 2008

"I find the lot Falls through…"-Kate Bush

It's kind of quiet now. Yesterday was pretty hot, it got up to about 97. I think it's getting hotter today. Right now all I hear is the window fan and the scampering dog outside. He's chasing something, I hope it gets it before the weather turns too hot.

Last night it came. The SASE written in MyUnwife's handwriting. Postal stamps on the outside, rubber stamps on the inside, all indicating everybody in the state of California had weighed in on my divorce and said, "yeah, sure." Yesterday California courts repealed the ban on gay marriages, and interestingly enough, the federal government delivered my divorce paperwork in the mail.

Now I love symbolism, but I just don't know what to make of this. It is interesting though. I've been reflective all week. Not as in "Put on your sunglasses here comes Rob." No, more thoughtful I guess. I'm not mournful or anything, just thinking about things in general. I'd like to give you some cool metaphor for that, but I don't really have anything. I'm just taking in the cool silence.

Actually, I'm not "Completely divorced" This is kind of like Princess Bride "to the pain" divorced. Everything has been signed, notarized and handled, it's just that California imposes a waiting time before I can go back in the pool "It was a heavy meal, Mr. Boyd. We don't want you cramping up."

According to the last page of my paperwork, my divorce will be 100 percent legal and done on July 25th. So I guess the good news is that it isn't my birthday as expected. I don't have to share that day. I don't know what July 25th is, other that the day my divorce becomes final.

That's what the little box in the documents I received last night said, "Effective date of termination." John Connor needed one of those.

"I'll be back."

"No you won't. Says so here.

It also warns me that I can't get married before July 25th too.

I'm so glad they said something! I had my dress picked out and everything. Suffering Succotash!

And just why is the succotash suffering? Is there some kind of succotash culling, is it just because the corn and limas can't get along? That must have been a bad divorce...

So how do I feel? I don't know. I think it's kind of like when Grandpa died. I felt sad that he was gone, but on the other hand, it was his time, and he didn't need to live in any more pain. My marriage has reached the same state. Although I guess it died months ago. This is more like if I kept grandpa's body in the garage for a few months.

So MyUnwife is all but MyEx. Right now I'm a little numb, but as the day warms up I'll be the same Rob again. Really I do feel fine. I moved onto acceptance a long time ago; It's just a little weird seeing the words in black and white. In the morning silence, it's loud and stark. I think I'll go help Cosmo chase whatever he's after.